**If you are reading this post in an email, head to the McBlog to check out the vid**
Monday, June 30, 2008
You're Welcome.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Yo all,
Just in case you haven't popped over to ONE5 MEDIA's website and checked out SHRALPDOWN, I found it on Vimeo. That's right folks, the whole crispy gnar shredding mess can now be seen on our McBloggins™. Check it out...
Also just want to say a quick thanks to all of the people that have signed up for the blog and who are interested in what we are doin. Trust me folks, we have our finger on the button and we are just awaiting orders...Yao Ming? Anyway keep checkin back for updates and tell your friends kiddies cause the 'splosion is bout to splode.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
whats with these videos?
alright. am I the ONLY viewer of music videos who has a problem with the degree of empathy PORTRAYED in the video versus the degree of emotion delivered in the vocal performance???
to be more specific, and even provide an example... check this out [katy perry's 'ikissedagirl']
since the first time I saw Peter Gabriel singin about his sledgehammer, i've always noticed/had a problem with the direct connection between the amount of facial distortion it generally requires for singers to create the sounds that emit from their vo-boxes, to the cinematic sibling that ensues. now maybe this is just a result of actually watching singers live and in-studio, but I think we all know that when Mariah is nearing that solar-sharp-seventh note, her eyes flatten back farther than John Cho's after eight hits in the Kumar picture.
long story short, let's direct a video that displays the vocal excitement that goes right along with it, i will personally guarantee more sales.
stay up,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Lone Filmmaker **UPDATE**
Hello All,
Here is the episode of The Lone Filmmaker, that our music was featured in...stoked.
**If you are reading this post in an email, you need to go to centercourse.blogspot.com to see the video.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
This Is Just Awesome.
Hello All,
I just thought this video was awesome. Nuff said...
**If you are reading this post in an email, you need to go to centercourse.blogspot.com to see the video. It's worth the minute and a half, believe me...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Hey All,
I mentioned in an earlier post that we would be working with OneFive Media, the most grizzly gnar shredders around on their new mountainboard film SHRALPDOWN! Well the film is finally out and it is about as awesome as Chuck Norris, if he was twice as badass as he actually is. I mean just check out this screen capture...WTF?That is Jables Dersham goin huge on an MBS Board. JD is the Producer/Editor/Videographer/Super Mega Badass of the film, and I would definitely recommend protection before giving the film a look (especially for the ladies...this film is POTENT).
Anyhow, the movie is totally free on the OneFive Media website, and we have about 5 tracks featured in it, so be sure to go check it out. I have also included the trailer, just in case you need more convincing that you should head over to OneFive Media and checkout Shralpdown! Word up y'all...big stuff comin up, stay tuned.
Monday, June 2, 2008
a history, in brief
per the request of a few fans, I've decided to narrate a bit of a back story to the becoming of centercourse.
some of you may or may not know that ben and I have been making music together for years, and actually started out in a classic rock band in colorado. i had led this little band for a few years when my drummer flaked out on a gig we had coming up in a few days. strapped with no drummer i was sitting in jazz band [high school days] listening to ben rock his **** out and asked him if he might want to play with us in greeley that weekend. he quickly obliged and even agreed to a couple ridiculous rehearsals which entailed learning 4 hours of music we'd been playing for years.
gig time came and ben cracked it wide open, and had a blast doing it too. the rest of the band welcomed the wry comedic perspective of a younger hungrier drummer and the rest is history... well it's all history, technically. because the only thing happening is now... which isn't now anymore. now it's then. hmm.
uhhh, but from there, we all went to college and I moved across the country and while other members moved on to marriage and other avenues of life ben and I kept in touh and developed a distinct passion for really glitchy electronic music. four years and many phone conversations later we moved to vegas and began composing. while vegas was a rather stagnant 6 months career-wise, we wrote some really dope shit. [one track of which i am mixing now featuring the incomparable joanna stevens, which you can all hear soon]
so now we live in LA in mansions fighting off retard-strength-paparazzi and mega-ton-hot-bitches. well we're workin on it anyways.
stay up,
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Lone Filmmaker
Hello All,
Robert Hindle, better known as "The Lone Filmmaker" is going to include some of our music in his film project. Here's a statement from Robert...
"I am making a feature film - entirely on my own - and my girlfriend is filming me doing it.
Witness the struggle, the setbacks, the highs and lows as I fight the odds; and see the process of filmmaking like never before!
Please help me - It is very hard to get your film seen without famous celebrities, but if I can show that there are already people interested in what I am doing - then I may stand a chance! Please help me by signing that you are interested."
As he has to do everything for the film himself, our music is going to be featured in the video blog. We are totally stoked to be involved, and when I saw the first episode of the vlog, I was hooked. I immediately watched the rest of them until I was caught up to date, and subscribed to his channel on youtube. I have included the first vlog here so you can get a taste.
Also if you visit TheLoneFilmmaker.com, you can view the latest videos, get info on both Robert and Gabriella, and sign his guestbook which will help get his film seen. I will keep you guys up to date as to when the episode featuring our music goes live. Until then...